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Late Monday, Trump called the raid a politically motivated move by Democrats who don’t want him to run again in 2024. “It is prosecutorial misconduct, the weaponization of the Justice System, and an attack by Radical Left Democrats who desperately don’t want me to run for President in 2024,” he wrote. 

That goal, clearly, was not met — and how could anyone have expected the Biden DOJ raiding the home of the former president to not be a high-profile development?

O governo e o setor privado Destes EUA estãeste fortemente empenhados em ajudar este povo brasileiro a combater a COVID-19 no Brasil.

.. We’re going to have to fight fire with fire. The way to do it is to win elections, win them overwhelmingly and use the appropriations process to choke down the FBI and choke down the Justice Department and get to the bottom of who approved this. This is so outrageous. It needs to be investigated.”

House minority leader Kevin McCarthy said the raid was evidence of “weaponized politicization” at the justice department.

The unprecedented search of a former president's home would mark a significant escalation into the records investigation, which is one of several probes Trump is facing from his time in office and in private business. read more

Poder judicial: La Corte Suprema y los tribunales federales inferiores, cuyos jueces son nombrados por el presidente con la aprobación del Senado, interpretan las leyes y suprimen las qual se consideren anticonstitucionales.

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Monday's raid was the first known search by the FBI of the residence of a president or former president in connection with a criminal bolsonaro investigation. Trump was not in Mar-a-Lago during the search.

The records were eventually returned to Nara after negotiations with Trump’s lawyers – only for officials to then discover that the former president had taken with him some documents clearly marked as classified and sensitive for national security.

The FBI executed a search warrant at around 9am on Monday morning at Trump’s residence, the sources said, as part of an ongoing investigation examining the former president’s potentially unlawful removal and destruction of White House records after website he left office last year.

Em abril por 2019, Bolsonaro foi selecionado através revista Time tais como uma das cem website pessoas Ainda mais influentes do mundo naquele ano e eleições estados unidos este descreveu tais como um personagem complexo. Por um website lado ele representaria uma quebra numa sequência por uma dé especialmentecada por corrupção e a "melhor chance em uma geração" para aprovar reformas econômicas qual podem possibilitar amansar a dívida crescente.

Russia is committing a “genocide against the Ukrainian people,” Latvian MPs said in a statement Thursday, according to AFP. Russia “uses suffering and intimidation as tools in its attempts to weaken the morale of the Ukrainian people and armed forc

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